Ted Bundy
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Ted BundyAnn Rule, a New York Times #1 bestsellerszerzője együtt dolgozott, majd éveken át levelezett a később sorozatgyilkosként elítélt Ted Bundyval, így olyan közelről ismerte, mint talán senki más e világon. Magyar nyelven először olvasható kötete a true crimeműfajának igazi klasszikusa!A fiatal édesanya... |
13,52 € |
Phantom Prince: My Life with Ted Bundy, Updated and Expanded Edition |
12,21 € |
Ted Bundy: Conversations with a Killer, 1: The Death Row Interviews (Michaud Stephen G.)In a series of death row interviews done shortly before his execution, infamous serial killer Ted Bundy gave a third-person confession of his many murders. This definitive book on Bundy was recently made into a Netflix documentary. What goes on in the mind of a serial killer? Drawn from more than ... |
15,28 € |
Ted Bundy, vrah po mém boku - Ann RuleKompletní portrét nejbrutálnějšího sériového vraha Ameriky. Kniha spisovatelky Ann Rule, Ted Bundy, vrah po mém boku, je naprosto jedinečná ve své ohromující intimitě a popírá stejně děsivě jako v do |
13,99 € |
Ted BundyTed Bundy was, and still is, an enigma. This book goes part way towards dismantling some of the mythos that has been built up around him over the 40 years since he first came to light. It does this by presenting - in chronological order - all the important available information on Ted gleaned from b... |
41,16 € |
Enigma Of Ted Bundy |
12,71 € |
Ted BundyTed Bundy: The FBI Files contains the actual original and declassified criminal investigation files related to Theodore (Ted) Bundy who was wanted for questioning in as many as 36 murders in Colorado, Oregon, Utah, Florida and Washington. In June 1977, the |
28,53 € |
Ted Bundy: Az idegen mellettem |
18,42 € |
Ted Bundy DVDPočas piatich rokov Ted Bundy, jeden z najobávanejších amerických masových vrahov, uniesol a zavraždil stovky žien. Bol inteligentný, príťažlivý a mal charizmu. Navždy zmenil profil masových vrahov a práve preto je jeho príbeh tak desivý. Ted Bundy žil medzi nami a vraždil priamo pred našimi očami. ... |
3,47 € |
Ted Bundy: Conversations with a Killer: The Death Row Interviews Volume 1In a series of death row interviews done shortly before his execution, infamous serial killer Ted Bundy gave a third-person "confession" of his many murders. This definitive book on Bundy was recently made into a Netflix documentary. Wh |
15,01 € |
Ted Bundy, vrah po mém boku - Ann RuleKniha je naprosto jedinečná ve své ohromující intimitě a popírá stejně děsivě jako v době svého vzniku naši představu, že bychom přece samozřejmě poznali, kdyby mezi námi žilo monstrum, pracovalo vedle nás a tvářilo se, že je jedním z nás. S mrazením stupňujícím se s každou další stránkou sledujeme... |
26,02 € |
Im Not Guilty!: The Case of Ted Bundy (Carlisle Al)From his arrest until his execution in 1989, Ted Bundy was interviewed extensively by psychologists, journalists, and law enforcement. He offered insight into the thoughts and methods of other serial killers. It wasnt until the last few days of his life that he confessed to some of his crimes, which... |
19,36 € |
Ted Bundy: A Visual TImeline (Dielenberg Robert a.)Ted Bundy was, and still is, an enigma. This book goes part way towards dismantling some of the mythos that has been built up around him over the 40 years since he first came to light. It does this by presenting - in chronological order - all the important available information on Ted gleaned from b... |
45,44 € |
Ted Bundy: Conversations with a Killer: The Death Row Interviews Volume 1In a series of death row interviews done shortly before his execution, infamous serial killer Ted Bundy gave a third-person "confession" of his many murders. This definitive book on Bundy was recently made into a Netflix documentary. Wh |
15,01 € |
Phantom Prince: My Life with Ted Bundy, Updated and Expanded Edition |
12,21 € |
Ted BundyTed Bundy: The FBI Files contains the actual original and declassified criminal investigation files related to Theodore (Ted) Bundy who was wanted for questioning in as many as 36 murders in Colorado, Oregon, Utah, Florida and Washington. In June 1977, the |
28,53 € |
Ted Bundy, vrah po mém boku - Rule AnnKompletní portrét nejbrutálnějšího sériového vraha Ameriky. Kniha spisovatelky Ann Rule, Ted Bundy, vrah po mém boku, je naprosto jedinečná ve své ohromující intimitě a popírá stejně děsivě jako v době svého vzniku naši představu, že bychom přece samozřejmě poznali, kdyby mezi námi žilo monstrum, p... |
26,02 € |
Ted Bundy - The Campus Serial Killer (Biography) (Biographiq)Ted Bundy - The Campus Serial Killer is a biography of Ted Bundy, the infamous American serial killer. He is best known for his rampages on college campuses across Washington, Utah, Colorado, and Florida. In his lifetime, Bundy murdered at least 19 and possibly as many as 36 victims. Ted Bundy - The... |
13,36 € |
Ted Bundy, vrah po mém boku (Ann Rule) |
15,32 € |
Ted Bundy: The FBI Files (Federal Bureau of Investigation)Ted Bundy: The FBI Files contains the actual original and declassified criminal investigation files related to Theodore (Ted) Bundy who was wanted for questioning in as many as 36 murders in Colorado, Oregon, Utah, Florida and Washington. In June 1977, the FBI initiated a fugitive investigation when... |
28,56 € |
Nájdených 572 výsledkov |